Everything you need to know about the elusive female G-spot/G-zone

Everything you need to know about the elusive female G-spot/G-zone

The elusive G-spot is one of the most debated topics in women's sexual health. Some say that the G-spot is the key to female orgasm during penetration, while other research has debunked vaginal orgasms entirely

When British researchers asked 1,800 vulva-owners if they believed they had a G-spot, only 56% said yes.

Here at The Oh Collective, we asked each other and our community members what they thought about the G-Spot:


The G-spot does it exist? finding the female gspot g zone female gspot squirt how to find the gspot best sex positions for gspot The G-spot does it exist? finding the female gspot g zone female gspot squirt how to find the gspot best sex positions for gspot


The G-spot does it exist? finding the female gspot g zone female gspot squirt how to find the gspot best sex positions for gspot The G-spot does it exist? finding the female gspot g zone female gspot squirt how to find the gspot best sex positions for gspot


G spot beverly whipple g-spot male g-spot female g-spot how to find g-spot where is mans gspot how to find g spot where is the gspot



While the topic of G-spots and squirting are hotly debated and sought for on the world wide web, let’s start with the fact that many women struggle with shame over self-pleasure, let alone pleasure, during sex. 

No matter where you are in understanding the anatomy of your pleasure, don’t feel pressured to get too hung up on any new hot spot to try out and only go out on exploration when it feels good to you. Explore your pleasure by accepting and not being ashamed of getting to know your body. 

But what is the G-spot?

We discovered that Google search queries for “male G-spot” were four times higher than queries for “female G-spot.” This reason alone motivated us to deep dive and discuss the mysteries of the female G-spot today. 

The G-spot was initially described in the 1940s by German researcher Ernst Gräfenberg, after whom the spot is named. But it was Dr Beverly Whipple, who, during her research intending to validate women’s experiences and make them feel positive about their sexual pleasure, found out that using a “come here” motion along the inside of the vagina produced a physical response in women. She believed this region could be the key to women's orgasm during sex. 

The G spot isn’t actually a distinct part of your anatomy. In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2017, researchers found no evidence of a “macroscopic anatomic structure.” Instead, the G-spot is considered part of the larger clitoral complex, part of a network of pleasure hot spots. This means that when you’re stimulating the G spot, you’re stimulating part of the clitoris, which is much larger than what meets the eye. The pea-sized nub where the inner labia meet is only the tip of the clitoris and divides into two “roots” that can be about four inches long.

But wait—there’s more. In 2022, an editorial published in the Sexual Medicine Reviews Journal explained that the G-spot isn’t made up of just three structures—it’s more like five: the clitoral crura; the clitoral bulb; the peri-urethral glands; the urethra; and the anterior vaginal wall. As long as that number keeps growing, we should probably acknowledge that the G-spot isn’t a “spot” at all. It’s a zone.

“We suggest the current term ‘G-spot’ is misleading and therefore inappropriate,” the authors wrote. “The five erotogenic regions of the anterior vaginal wall can be more accurately and appropriately termed the Gräfenberg Zone or G-zone.”

Plus, this region can vary from woman to woman, which explains why it can often be challenging to locate. However, the G-zone can cause female ejaculation and help women reach a vaginal orgasm once stimulated.

How can you find the G-zone?

G spot beverly whipple g-spot male g-spot female g-spot how to find g-spot where is mans gspot how to find g spot where is the gspot

Photo credit: Allure Medic

Since the G-zone and the “Five Erotogenic regions” vary from body to body, it is hard to demonstrate. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Our first recommendation is to start locating your G-zone through self-exploration instead of searching for it during partnered sex, with your fingers or with a G-spot/G-zone vibrator such as The Oh Collective’s Kit

Tips for finding your G-zone:

  1. Before you do anything physical: get into the mood. More blood rushes to your pelvic region when you're aroused, and your erogenous zones (including the G-zone) become more sensitive and easier to locate. Light some candles, fantasize, and fire up some feminist porn.
  2. Once you're ready, gently stroke your vulva and start with inserting your finger(s) two to three inches up, curving the finger(s), and then rocking them towards the belly button.
  3. Don't be afraid to press firmly. It may feel strange - many women and people with vaginas describe their spot as wrinkly, puckered or just different from the surrounding soft tissue. But that's not always the case, the best way to find it is to experiment.
  4. When you have found your G-zone, use firm, deep pressure to stroke the area. Continue the "come here" motion,  a rhythmic circular motion or more of an up-and-down technique. 
  5. Increase the rhythm, and create a lot of friction as you go on to boost your chances of orgasm. Stimulating the G-zone will create sensations if it's a hot spot for you. 

If you're struggling to find the G-zone with your fingers or just want more pressure than your fingers can produce, we recommend using our curved Kit that you can bend into any shape or angle to help you find your G-zone. Pro tip: Lube up Kit before inserting it slowly and making a rocking motion towards your belly button (tip: try our natural water based Motion Lotions or tingling water-based lube Joy Jelly).

How does a G-zone orgasm feel?

Some people describe a warm, flushing feeling throughout their genitals and body. Others describe their experience to be “a lot wetter.” Some describe their G-zone orgasms as more intense, more emotionally loaded and full-bodied versus clitoral ones.  

Of course, some vulva-owners haven’t found their G-zone, while others have this unpleasurable sense of “needing to pee” (the G-zone supposedly wraps around the urethra). In contrast, others don’t “Oooooh” at all from G-zone stimulation. 

Remember that it’s all ok: you’re discovering your own body, everyone experiences their pleasure in their way, and the most important thing is that you are experiencing and learning about your own body.

The female G-zone and squirting

While not everybody can squirt, and ejaculation does not equal an orgasm, it is recommended to stimulate your G-zone stimulation if you are exploring the possibilities of squirting. Female ejaculation often happens when vulva-owners are peaking (not necessarily climaxing) during G-zone play.

Female ejaculation comes from the buildup of fluid in the urethral sponge. If enough fluid builds up, intense pressure follows (both on the G-zone and the clitoris), and ejaculation can occur. It won’t always happen and can depend on many factors (e.g. from hydration levels to your menstrual cycle).

The best (partnered) sex positions to stimulate your G-Zone

While there are many positions to try, we lined up three sex positions that our community recommends to increase your odds of hitting the G-zone. If you are alone co-founder Winxi suggests to “lie on your back and squeeze your legs and V muscles.”

In a previous interview with Nili on squirting, Nili recommended, As to squirting, I suggest people use their fingers, or a vibrator during the session. Press down on your belly a little bit to give the sensitive spots a push when there’s something inside of you and continue stimulating the sensitive spots.”

For partnered sex, we recommend sex positions that give you as vulva-owner 1) more control over your movements and 2) allow for deeper penetration, such as 

  1. Cowgirl
  2. Doggy style 
  3. Closed missionary position 

Explore your pleasure

Most importantly, remember that all bodies are different. You might have a G-zone, you might not; you like it when its stimulated, while others feel the need to pee. Because we are often led to believe that sex is shameful or that we need to put others first, can make it harder for vulva-owners to achieve an orgasm and sexual satisfaction. 

Don’t be afraid; find out what works for you and explore your pleasure.

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