The Oh Journal

#JustLikeYou: Should I freeze my eggs? Interview with Anja Zhao
Should you freeze your eggs? We discuss the why & why not, how, $$, where, when and Asian parents' views on egg freezing. Listen to...

Sexual wellness is linked to every part of our lives - embrace it
This is a Guest Post by SheSpot as part of our collaboration in the Autumn 2022 Sexual Wellness box. There’s a common misconception that...

5 Must-Have Items for Period Sex
Let's be real, period sex can be a bit of a messy business. But that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable! With the right...

Science of CBD for Sex
Considering dipping your toes into the world of CBD? You’ve stopped at the right place. Over the past few years, CBD has flooded the...

Everything you need to know about the elusive female G-spot/G-zone
The elusive G-spot is one of the most debated topics in women's sexual health. Some say that the G-spot is the key to female...

#JustLikeYo With SexEdWithDB: What to teach kids about health at the age of 5 & What is sex like in Judaism?
Our guest today is Danielle Bezalel, a.k.a. DB. She's the creator, executive producer and host of the Sex Ed with DB Podcast. A...